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English - Brazilian Portuguese Translator




Translation done to the English Translations Course, asked by professor Simone Resende, In this particular project, I translated the second half of the file and this is the part I show here.


Click here to see the text.

Translation done to the Literary Translation subject of the English Translation Course, asked by professors Carlos Irineu and Ana Resende.




Fragments of a Hologram Rose

By William Gibson

Click here to see the text.


Grade given to the translation: 9,6

Professor responsible for the test and correction: Carlos Irineu.

Complete text: "Fragments of a Hologram Rose", by William Gibson





By Jane Austen

Click here to see the text.


Grade given to the translation: 9,0

Professor responsible for the test and correction: Ana Resende.

Complete text: "Persuasion", by Jane Austen


Ana Resende thoughts about my translation:

"Caroline is a committed translator, who shows great researching skills even in texts from the past centuries. She has a wide vocabulary and creates good solutions to the translation of even the most difficult expressions."

Ana Resende --- professor of Literary Translation I in the English Translation Post-graduation course of Universidade Estácio de Sá, freelancer translator and proofreader.

Other projects
In addition to the translations presented here, I also have some projects accomplished to my Translation Certification course, which can be seen here. Please notice this website is in Portuguese only.
This is just a sample of my work.
To see more, ask for a quote or discuss possible partnerships, 
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